Project Type: Wofford

Está Listo? Lotería!

illustration, print

Bilingual disaster preparedness game, in the style of traditional Lotería cards, designed to help families and kids identify necessary items and actions, and to make something scary feel more like a game that can be “won”.

Made in partnership with the City of Berkeley Office of Emergency Services, for Kala Art Institute’s Print Public Fellowship.

Eyes! Knees! Groin! Throat!

Screenings at Kala Art Institute and YBCA
Workshop at YBCA

A pop-inspired self-defense music video/tutorial with ADQ and Harrison Dumont (cover of “Target Practice,” from the 1995 album Free to Fight), with women’s self-defense workshop led by artist/self-defense instructor Melissa Wyman. Music video (with 1 minute silent info intro) here.

In collaboration with 100 Days Action’s Resistance Training, the Mettle Detection project for the Kala Print Public Fellowship, and YBCA.

Mettle Detection

Installation and events
Kala Art Institute Gallery

Installation as glowing stage for various actions designed to improve people’s “mettle” and feelings of safety, post-election and post-Ghost Ship fire. This project encouraged participants to shed fear and feel more in control of their lives and emotions in multiple forms.

Actions in the space included a youth journalism podcast event about the fire, an internet privacy/safety for activists workshop, a self-defense video shoot, and numerous “safety selfies” on yellow paper. The space was bookended by 2 large illustrated prints of Kala’s 2 closest fire stations; 2 strong boxes in dreamy, inviting environments to convey calm, courage, protection and hope.

Print Public Fellowship Exhibition, Mayumi Hamanaka, curator

No Scrubs

Action for Women’s Marches
Oakland and San Francisco
2017, 2018, 2019

Large dance brigade with protest signs employing pop and hiphop song lyrics. In partnership with 100 Days Action; documentation also included in ‘Sonic Futures‘, curated by Patricia Cariño, at San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art.