I make work informed by calamity, history and hybridity, broadly speaking. A deeply felt sense of curiosity, irony and tragicomedy tends to shape my approaches.
An intercultural logic governs my interdisciplinary practice, where drawing, painting, performance, video, digital and print often intersect. Having been raised in highly cross-cultural circumstances has made me skeptical of any single dominant perspective or material discipline.
The constants within my work include strong color, line and pattern, a crisp visual approach and a healthy appreciation for the absurd. The legibility of illustration and the appeal of popular culture motifs are often invoked to smooth the pathway into occasionally difficult terrain.
Community and camaraderie are integral to my practice: I don’t consider myself a solitary artist, even when working alone. There has to be connection to, and laughter with, others. My most satisfying works share a spirit of exchange, play, and collaboration: it makes things more relevant, and more fun, immediately.